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Staff Profile: Emma Guillot

Miriam - Emma G

Emma Guillot: A Passion for Supporting Families

A Career Dedicated to Behavioural Intervention

Emma Guillot is a coach in the P-ESDM program at Miriam, located at the Gold Learning and Research Centre. She embodies passion and dedication in her work with families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Originally from France, Emma began her career as a psychomotor therapist, driven by a deep desire to help others. After earning her State Diploma in Psychomotricity, she decided to further specialize in behavioural approaches in Montreal, where she completed a graduate diploma in behavioural intervention for individuals with ASD.


A Strong Commitment to Miriam

Emma gained valuable experience as a therapist during her final internship with our organization. After a brief stay in France, she returned to us as a P-ESDM coach. Her return demonstrates her deep attachment to Miriam and her belief in the importance of the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM). This method, which supports the child in all areas of their development, perfectly aligns with her professional approach and allows her to better support families.


Core Values in Her Work

The fundamental values guiding Emma in her work are kindness, adaptability, empathy, and sharing. For her, it is essential to offer personalized and adapted support to each family. "Providing tools to parents and being a daily support" are missions she takes very much to heart. Emma finds it rewarding to see the progress made by children, as well as by parents who, thanks to the learned strategies, manage to better handle daily challenges and strengthen family bonds.


The P-ESDM Program: An Essential Support

Emma is particularly proud of her participation in the P-ESDM program. Free and accessible, it offers crucial support to parents, often after a long wait for services. This program plays an essential role at the beginning of the family support process, and Emma has seen firsthand the positive impact it has on children and their parents. "Every day, we share about children's progress," she explains emotionally, highlighting the importance of this ongoing support.


Miriam's Positive Impact

The Miriam Foundation stands out for its commitment to offering and improving a high-quality, integrated continuum of services. With innovative programs and an evidence-based approach, Miriam strives to fill the gaps in services offered throughout the lives of individuals and their families. Being recognized as an innovative organization, Miriam provides accessible programs and develops new initiatives to meet emerging needs, especially during the transition from childhood to adulthood.


Thanks to dedicated professionals like Emma Guillot, Miriam continues to have a positive impact on the lives of families affected by neurodevelopmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Intellectual Disability (ID). With a team of experts in behavioural analysis and an approach based on research and scientific data, Miriam offers a stimulating environment and support that allows each individual to reach their full potential as a fully-fledged member of society.

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